I never believed that I would buy a new sewing machine, but I have done just that. My old machine stopped running a few weeks ago. The people at the sewing machine repair shop said that it needed a new foot pedal........but that it would be difficult to find one. After a couple of weeks I was having sewing withdrawl. I thought about it for a long time and after much soul-searching, I decided to look for a new machine. None of them looked very friendly to me, until I spotted the Viking Sapphire 835. I sat down in front of it and WOW, it had two light bulbs, a big sewing area and it was comfortable. So......the day after Christmas I went back and ordered one. It arrived yesterday and I spent most of today learning to sew on it.
Also, I have my old machine back! They finally found a foot pedal for it and it only cost $40 to replace. Two machines---such luxury!