Friday, January 8, 2010

A new sewing last

I never believed that I would buy a new sewing machine, but I have done just that. My old machine stopped running a few weeks ago. The people at the sewing machine repair shop said that it needed a new foot pedal........but that it would be difficult to find one. After a couple of weeks I was having sewing withdrawl. I thought about it for a long time and after much soul-searching, I decided to look for a new machine. None of them looked very friendly to me, until I spotted the Viking Sapphire 835. I sat down in front of it and WOW, it had two light bulbs, a big sewing area and it was comfortable. So......the day after Christmas I went back and ordered one. It arrived yesterday and I spent most of today learning to sew on it.

Also, I have my old machine back! They finally found a foot pedal for it and it only cost $40 to replace. Two machines---such luxury!

Monday, October 19, 2009

My (Almost) Daily Dose

Every fall for as long as I can remember I have wondered (an worried) what would hold my interest during the long winter months. My sewing has always been there, but I usually need something new to spark my creativity. Last year it was putting together 60's patchwork quilts, making purses and FINALLY making a couple of pairs of jeans.

This fall I think that I may be off to a good start. I just earned a free 6-month subscription from e-rewards to WWD...Woman's Wear Daily. For 26 weeks I will be able to see the latest and the greatest from the world of fashion...5 days a week! Just long enough to take me into the Spring.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My Fortunate Fabric Finds

Sometimes I get so lucky buying fabric.

Yesterday I found two pieces of stretch denim each large enough to make a pair of jeans....for only $3.74 each! I couldn't believe it. Also, I found navy blue knit to make a "Three Graces T-Shirt" and a piece of see-through fabric with irredescent plastic squares on it instead of sequins. Very unusual. Not sure what I am going to do with it would make a flashy dress-up jacket or be beautiful hanging behind the Christmas tree.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Goodbye Summer

Today may be the last time that I will be able to use my porch.

The temperature is going to be in the 70's and I plan to go out there to read. Soon I will be packing up everything for the winter. I will miss my magical 60's room.